Gateway Value System
Algemeen | General
Gateway is the value system that directs the path of the school, it's teachers and it's learners. This program was originally developed by South African Willie Roos and is executed by the school's youth pasor, Gregory Modungwa. The program has been applied at Kathu High School since 2013. As it is with cultural transformation, the change experienced is subject to the succeptability of the target market as well as time. We expect this project to be fully realised in 2017 (5 years) - the time it takes a child to complete his High School career. We have already experienced change in certain areas and we trust that this will only be the beginning of something new in Kathu.
our vision
To equip, develop and encourage the youth to reach their full potential. Gateway firmly believes that in order for someone to change, impartation can only take place through an established, trusting relationship.
Through the establishing of an action team consisting of educators, local pastors, youth workers and volunteers transformation is ignited.
The learners themselves are therefore trained and mobilized in partnership with the teachers, ministers and parents to put the process in motion.
our mission
Gateway offers a well-developed strategic action-plan that is implemented through a mentor-based transformation process.
Starting with the individual, we focus on personal and leadership development and then expand our impact through support groups and community projects. We encourage the young people to have an outward focus with these groups, teaching them to do with others what they learn and in such a way, serve others.
Training is provided to the learners to equip them with the necessary skills to do this. The seven core values are:
Team Work
Gateway Leader, Youth Pastor
Gregory Modungwa
Adopt-A-Kid Project
our kids made a noteworthy contribution to Deben Primary-giving basic necessities to the children such as shoes and blankets.
Prezzie time! | Deben Primary Teachers |
Deben Primary Teachers | Greg has a word |
The A(wesome)-Team |