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Netbal  | Netball

Oefentye  | Practise

Dinsdae en Donderdae  |  Tuesdays and Thursdays

Somer  |  Summer:   14:00 - 17:30

Winter  |  Winter:       14:30 - 18:00


Afrigters  |  Coaches

Me Alida Kruger (netbalhoof)

Me Anneri Calitz

Me Mart-Mari Meyer

Me Leana Kampher 

Me Tamlynn Venter

Me Juliana Nel

Me Christelle Vlok

Me Andri van der Merwe


Ander | Other

Mnr Jaco Haasbroek  (sporthoof  |  head of sport)

Mnr Albie Louw (netbal beskermheer  |  patron of netball)


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